The Foreign Film Group – ‘Tokyo Story’ (Japan, 1953)

Tokyo Story (directed by Yasujirō Ozu ) tells the story of an aging couple who travel to Tokyo to visit their grown children. The film contrasts the behavior of their children, who are too busy to pay them much attention, and their widowed daughter-in-law, who treats them with kindness. Tokyo Story is widely regarded as Ozu’s masterpiece and is often cited as one of the greatest films ever made.
Have you been to a film night at the Ashburton Community Centre?
A different foreign film is shown on the first Wednesday of every month with everyone welcome to attend. Doors open at 7pm, the film begins at 7.30pm. The film is shown in the Copland Room followed by a discussion with light refreshments. Cost is only $10. You must be a member of our Centre to attend, annual Membership to the Centre is $10.
Get involved!
We are looking for a few extra people to join our Film Group co-ordinators to organise the film list and assist on the night. If that sounds like you, please email and we’ll put you in touch with our co-ordinators.
6 Jun 2018