Our Centre re-opens from tomorrow, Wednesday 28 July

The easing of the Victorian Government’s lock down restrictions from 11.59pm tonight means that we are able to re-open on Centre and welcome back our classes and activities from tomorrow, Wednesday 28 July. Please note the following –

  • Classes and activities back at the Centre have a limit of 10 people (per space). If you are in a class with more than 10 people (e.g. exercise classes in the Copland Room), the class may be separated into two spaces (either in the same room or across two rooms depending on the room size). We are confident this will work well for the class as a group as well as complying with Government restrictions.
  • QR Code check-in must be completed on arrival each time you visit the Centre.
  • Masks are mandatory while at the Centre (and currently outdoors) unless you are strenuously exercising.
  • Social distancing of 1.5m must be maintained

We look forward to welcoming you back to the Centre.