Become a Committee Member

Are you interested in volunteering to be a committee member?

Invitations are now open to join our Committee of Management

Our Annual General Meeting is to be held on Tuesday the 13th of September at 10.45am.  Everyone is welcome to attend and hear of the past years highlights!  An official invitation will follow in the next few weeks.

As a not-for-profit organisation we are governed by a volunteer committee who are members of the local community, Centre participants and interested persons who wish to have an input into the policy and direction of the Centre.  The day-to-day  management of the Centre is delegated to the Executive Officer (Geraldine Farrell) and paid staff members.

We would love to hear from those in our membership who would be interested in joining our Committee.  We need a cross-section of the community of different ages and gender including those who are employed, retired or not in the work force.

Our meetings are currently held once a month on a Wednesday evening for 2 – 3 hours and would involve another 2 – 4 hours responding to issues that arise during the month.   The City of Boroondara provides training throughout the year for Committee members on their roles and responsibilities.

Our committee shares a commitment to building a better community through our Centre – I would encourage you all to consider sharing your skills and experience and support our Centre achieve its mission  “To connect and engage with our community and responds to their needs”.

Our Centre needs you as without a Committee we are not legally able to operate.

If you would like to find out more about this role or wish to express your interest in joining the Committee please contact us on or Liz Webb, President, , Ph. 0417 393 897). Position Description is below.

Our next meeting is on August the 17th at 7.30pm  –   If you are interested in joining the Committee and would like to find out more –  please join us! Being a Committee member is a rewarding role and a wonderful way to give back to the community and your Centre!  We look forward to hearing from you!

Liz Webb, President
Committee of Management


Title: Committee of Management Member
Reporting to: President / Chair and Committee of Management 


All members of the Committee of Management are required to fulfill the following duties:

  • Determine the direction and policies for Ashburton Community Centre
  • Determine programs, practices and processes that encourage participation by a wide range of individuals from the community
  • Develop and implement policy regarding the selection and management of all paid staff
  • Enter into an employment contract with all staff paid by the Centre and ensure the legal and commonly accepted responsibilities of an employers are carried out
  • Determine clear arrangements for the accountability, management and support of staff and volunteers
  • Attend Committee Meetings regularly and to advise in advance of any anticipated absence
  • Be punctual and have read minutes, agendas and background papers for Committee meetings
  • Be prepared to work as part of a committed team with other Committee of Management members
  • Become familiar with the Rules of the Association of the Ashburton Community Centre Inc
  • Complete the process for induction
  • Support the Centre in achieving its Vision and Mission