Occupational health and safety


This policy sets out the Ashburton Community Centre General Occupational Health & Safety Policy, for Ashburton Community Centre employees, contractors, members and other persons whose health or safety could be at risk through our work.


This document applies to all:

  • Ashburton Community Centre work locations.
  • Ashburton Community Centre staff, tutors and volunteers
  • Contractors carrying out work for the Ashburton Community Centre

Note: Contractors are responsible for ensuring they abide by this policy and undertake and maintain their own equipment, risk assessments and hazardous substances management whilst engaged to undertake work by Ashburton Community Centre

Ashburton Community Centre OH&S policy is to create and maintain a safe, healthy and productive workplace, environment and procedures for all persons at our places of work, without risk to their health, safety or welfare arising out of our work activities.


Ashburton Community Centre realizes that working safely is vital to the ultimate success of our organisation. There can be no compromise with safety; it is, and always will be, the responsibility of each and every one of us. For all our employees, safety will always take precedence over job expediency.
Ashburton Community Centre has a total commitment to, and will continue to be responsible and accountable for the health, safety, rehabilitation and welfare of our employees, and others at our workplaces. All persons directing the work of others at our workplaces are required to join with employees and work together towards achieving and maintaining a high level of safety performance.
Ashburton Community Centre is committed to protecting our employees by demonstrating a ‘Duty of Care’ through effective OH&S Safety systems and Risk Management strategies and the application of Industry-based Standard OH&S procedures.

Our objectives are to:

  • Create and maintain a safe, healthy and productive workplace, environment and procedures for all persons at our places of work, without risk to their health, safety or welfare arising out of our work activities;
  • Provide and maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health and provide instruction, training, leadership and supervision of employees to enable them to work safely;
  • Create and maintain continuous improvement strategies, systematically managing to ensure proactive hazard controls and legitimate implementation of our policies and procedures.
  • Ensure compliance with the OH&S Act (Vic) 2004, OH&S Regulations (Vic) 2007 and associated Acts, referenced Industry Codes of Practice and referenced Australian Standards called up by legislation.
  • Ensure ongoing compliance with Australian Standard AS4801, Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, supporting the achievement of the highest levels of OH&S performance through reduction of risks, and through the implementation of the best practicable methods and technology consistent without legal obligations to ensure our workplaces are safe and healthy.

The primary focus of all activities within Ashburton Community Centre will be the provision of work excellence in its customer service whilst equally maintaining a position of excellence in the management of occupational health and safety for all employees.

The goal for Ashburton Community Centre in occupational health and safety is the pro-active prevention of work related injuries and illnesses, and the development and promotion of safe systems of work in monitoring and measuring safety performance.

Ashburton Community Centre acknowledges that the active cooperation of all employees is required for ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. Consequently, the management of Ashburton Community Centre is committed to a consultative approach to occupational health and safety.

All employees are expected to contribute to the improvement of health and safety within the workplace. All employees will help facilitate cooperation on health and safety issues and will assist in implementing measures designed to ensure the health and safety of all employees.

To achieve and maintain a standard of excellence in the management of occupational health and safety:

Management will, where required and where reasonably practicable:

  • Ensure safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Provide and maintain suitable equipment.
  • Establish safe and healthy work practices.
  • Monitor/measure safety performance.
  • Ensure all employees are properly instructed and supervised.

Employees will:

  • Observe health and safety practices and procedures.
  • Maintain safe conduct in the performance of their work.
  • Wear protective clothing and equipment as required.
  • Report any health and safety problems.

The commitment of Ashburton Community Centre to the occupational health and safety of its employees is as important as its commitment to other business objectives. This policy will be regularly reviewed in the context of legislative and organisation changes. Employees are required by law under a duty of care to take care of their health and safety, and that of their fellow workers to the extent of their capability, by following all safety rules, procedures and instructions, and by reporting all hazards, injuries or ill health.

All aspects of our compliance with this industry-based OH&S Standard Policy will be constantly monitored with regular performance to review its effectiveness, and to ensure that Duty of Care is correctly applied and adequately maintained.